What Is College?
By: Lorenzo Vitale, Luke DeVault, Hassan Bazzi, Cole Lorenz
Packed Parking and Timeliness
Many college students rely on their vehicles for transportation to and from their schools. However, parking itself can make driving to class a hassle.. As you can see in the images above, parking spots tend to fill up awfully quickly, and this leaves many students frustrated and stressed. The time it takes to hunt down a parking space can be the difference between being early for a class and being late for a class.
Accessibility is a key aspect of a helpful college campus. The option of walking around campus and going from class to class is one that is not available on many college campuses. In the pictures above, a sign shows the importance of pedestrian safety on campus. The college student also pictured above uses an accessible printer, then walks down a flight of stairs to his next class.
College can begin the culmination of your many years of schooling and only get harder from there. For many professors it seems that they forget other classes exist along with the homework assigned, thus begin the long days and late nights to manage the workload taken upon us. Generally this entails a large spread setup of books, computers and notebooks with energy drinks scattered about followed by crashes of the almost finished assignments. The struggle of a balanced class schedule continues.
In college, the best way to get ahead is to find a group of like minded people. And a large part of college life is group work and u of m dearborn offers a very interactive and friendly work environment. For real though having someone to share your ideas with makes a world of a difference for many students. In this photo you see above a class of student working on group assignments and below you see two students studying for a test.
Extracurricular and Excited Students
For many students the stressors and hassles of everyday life can take their toll so extracurriculars may be the release they need. Students use the the Field House to relax, work out and socialize. As you can see above two groups of students working together talking about what they're doing. You can build friendships and comradery to make the college experience a little bit more bearable.
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